

hello hello hello!!!
yes yes i noe im missing in action. PAISEH to all. ahhaa.

well.... everyone muz b thinking wad in the world m i doing right now. hahaa
im mostly at home. dunno doing what. coz theres so much still left undone. grrr.
other than that.... ive got MY GRAMSTONE blogshop set up! wheee.


whahaha. nice logo. nice font. yay! done by me. yeaaa.. took up loads of my time. dat was last last week. hmmm..
oh yes. plus making my beautiful jewellery. so proud of it. ^^

then... got all the dental appointments...

n got 2 one off fliers distribution. tiringggggg.

tuition! yay. she is a very nice girl.

teaching conversational chinese to non chinese. hmm. started yest. today another sch. not bad la. today's one got mike! haha. goodie.

i want more jobs. more tuition would b good. hahaha. or relief teaching also can.

oh yea. no one recognises me anymore. boohoo... ahhahaa. but i guess its quite fun eh. ahaha..
the best part of it all is.... how my pants r so loose n my tops look like they dun belong to me. hahahaa.

oh juz remb sth. IM STILL ON MC! y m i working? ahha.
beats bumming around at home feeling like a useless bum. hehx.

2008 is full of new experiences!